February 8, 2021

  • 4.2.6 Facilities Management:  This new policy establishes authority for the maintenance, repair, renovation, remodeling, new construction, capital planning, feasibility studies, and administration of space inventory related to University facilities in accordance with applicable with federal, state, local and University requirements. Details can be found here:wyo.zzx007.com/facilities. For more information, please contact Azita   Dashtaki Dotiwala, Director of Budget and PlanningFacilities Management (dashtaki@zzx007.com).
  • 3.1 Pre-Collegiate Programs:  These policy revisions clarify the exclusions from the scope of the policy, expand on insurance requirements, and designate the responsibilities of the program director or administrator.For more information, please visit  http://wyo.zzx007.com/youth/  or contact Matt Hinds, Director for Administration, Student Affairs (mhinds2@zzx007.com).